Monday, June 9, 2008

Summer Vacation = boredom?

How long does it take for a 10-year-old to get bored with summer vacation? In our household, not even half of a day.

Technically, the kids have been off of school for more than a week, but "the eldest" was occupied all last week with play practice/production - so today was her first unstructured day of summer vacation.

The weather is fabulous: low 70's, party cloudy...

"Mom, what can I do? I'm bored!"

I opted not for my typical first choice: "Nothing. There's absolutely nothing you can do, so you may as well just go to bed." Instead I offered a huge hit-list of chores: clean your room, do the dishes...

Thankfully I'm technologically saavy enough (and with the help of a little gadget) to be able to "unprogram" the TV, rendering it "unavailable"/powerless during certain prime hours of the day. Now for the other screens (computer, PSP) - hmmm...


Steph T said...

We had a day like that here. Micah and Eden went off to camp yesterday. Caleb woke up this am and emptied the dishwasher without even being asked, thus earning screen time. He used it up right away then melted on the floor "There's nothing to do!"

I expect that come Friday when M & E are back (possibly next Monday if I'm lucky), I'll have a whole bunch of whiners on my hands! :)

Just wanted to let you know you are not alone and your 10 yo is pretty normal (at least from my own myopic point of view).

Kristin said...

Actually, on my computer, I CAN make it unavailable at certain times. As for the PSP... can't help you there. LOL Just restrict access to the batteries!

Glad to see you made it back to post! If I didn't know you IRL, I'd think you'd gotten lost in blogger-land! :)

Oh, and I've got a great way to keep away the "I'm bored" comments... keep doing school through the summer! It's working here!!

Kristin said...

Time for a post about how school is coming along!! :)