Monday, February 28, 2011

SO much to do, so little time...

Something the other day made me stop and count, and I realized that I am currently working 7 PART-TIME JOBS!

(1) I occasionally - when called and when available - substitute teach at the school I was at last year.
(2) I have a friend who runs a daycare. When she has a doctor appointment, she calls me to come take care of the kids.
(3) I am a private tutor. In fact, I have an interview with a potential new "client" on Saturday. This is the one job I wish I could do way more of - very good pay rate, and I love the one-on-one teaching.
(4) When my son got a bigger route, I took over his smaller once-a-week "Shopping News" route.
(5) I am one of two childcare workers who take care of the little ones while their moms do aerobics at a friend's Body and Soul aerobics class.
(6) I've recently started providing some "respite care"/life-skills teaching for a family I know whose "big guy" has some special needs. I feel a little out of my league, but I'm learning.
(7) And today was my first day (since my kids were wee little ones) delivering early morning newspapers - an hour to an hour-and-a-half every morning, 4-5 a.m.-ish...

So much for being a stay-at-home mom.

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