Sunday, June 14, 2009

Gardening on the deck

Although we live in a townhouse, we have a fair amount of freedom... We put a swingset up when we wanted one (and took it down when we outgrew it). Took a wall down (!!!) to turn a 5-bedroom townhome into a 4-bedroom - with a bigger, more useable dining/living room. Tilled up a patch of lawn for a garden (although the grass still fights to gain back its ground).

Two years ago we droughted here - at least enough to impose a watering ban - and I left the garden to wither and die. And last year I was just unmotivated.

This year, what with "The Economy" and an unemployed husband, my inspiration for gardening has been renewed. Cucumbers, beans, cantaloupe, (cherry) tomatoes, watermelon, peas and some "fun" stuff like mini pumpkins, mammoth sunflowers, and a sprinkling of leftover coleus (from a school plant-growing project) and some wildflowers.

I'm trying something new - and I like it alot: I've got a big dirt-filled Rubbermaid bin on the deck, growing carrots and radishes. After that idea, I put some leaf lettuce in a pot and a baby roma tomato in a planter.

Lunch, right from my deck...

1 comment:

Steph T said...

Fantastic! Your thumbs are greener than mine. We need some motivation. :)