Friday, June 12, 2009

In Slavery

I'm very frustrated, feeling enslaved because of our debt. For about a year now I've been working so diligently at paying down our debt - I was calling it "The 5-Year Plan." Now, with an unemployed husband, we can't pay extra, only the minimum amount due.

Upon opening one of the bills this week, the minimum payment had shot up by $150!!! Why? A promotional rate had expired, but somewhere between it's start and the end, the terms were changed and the now rate was upped by 5%. Oh, I wish I could've said something like, "Okay, then, close the account. Goodbye!" and walk away - but we still owe, so we're still at their mercy.

And now the already tight budget must squeeze out $150 more (or get by on $150 less).

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