Saturday, June 12, 2010

Moving Back Home

From school, that is...

I've been doing my fair share of "relaxing" since school got done for the year, but inbetween afternoon naps and episodes of "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" (Anna found the boxed sets of seasons 1-6 and has decided to watch them ALL this summer), I've slowly been sorting and organizing and cleaning...

I knew I had a lot of stuff - after 16 years of teaching. I did pre-sort my stuff in the weeks just before the end of school, so on that last day, I was able to just hand over my keys and walk out. But all that stuff had to go somewhere - my family has been so good putting up with boxes and bins stacked and stashed all over the dining room and living room (and a variety of other nooks and crannies all over the house).

My sorting process has gone something like this: Garbage? School property? Have I used this, or could someone else use it better? Is it useful for homeschooling, or tutoring, or subbing - or might I use it if I ever full-time teach again? So there's a corner of the spare room where all my if-I-ever-teach-again stuff will store 'til who-knows-when.

Our old dining room (just off the kitchen, overlooking the entryway and the front yard) will become the homeschool "classroom" (or at least, home base).

I still have much to sort and organize, and of course, the rest of the house to purge of junk, and catch-up on months' of good housecleaning. I've been doing little by little, some days making more headway than others.

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