Sunday, August 29, 2010

Camping at MilleLacs Kathio ("playing hookie" from school)

For the first time in a couple summers, WE WENT CAMPING!

We surprised the kids by inviting a friend for each of them - packed up and headed out Wednesday morning, after multiple short stops: back home for a football, swung by to pick up a waterbottle, got ice for the cooler, even stopped by the library to get a book that was being held... Still managed to forget the one more pack of hotdog buns we needed (oh, and the ham for lunch - grrr!).

After we set up camp, we went and explored a little: found the playground and swimming pond, took the short walk to the fishing pier/dam. After hotdogs on the grill (and all the hotdog accessories), I went wandering by myself, came across some deer that really weren't phased by my being there - for the longest time, I just stood watching them, until their curiosity made ME skittish.

Our 1st night was pretty sleepless: between cold temps (the forecast said 40-something for the low), lots of trips to the outhouse, and at least one kid who couldn't sleep with the many snorers in the tent. I was glad to have brought a stocking cap and gloves, besides the warm sleeping bag!

They 2nd day was filled with (1) an interpretative program about Minnesota Symbols (state tree, bird, flower, fish, etc.); (2) a trip in to town to find a grocery store for hotdog buns, ham, and more bug-spray; (3) a visit to the MilleLacs Indian Museum; and (4) a climb up the fire tower.

We slept well that 2nd night - everyone was tired, and it was a little warmer. Three of the four kids nestled down in the van, leaving us snorers in the tent. One of my favorite things was the brightness of the moon - I swear I could've read by it.

Mark is always quick to break camp the last morning, so we were out of there pretty early. We went and explored one more trail, then headed over to Father Hennepin State Park, which was nearby. The water was quite cold, but the girls still waded in (and called it swimming). The boys - in typical boy fashion - picked rocks and shells, tried to chuck rocks the farthest, and searched for gross things: dead fish, pieces of crab claws, etc. Our lunch was in the van on the way home.

I love camping, but I sure enjoy the comfort of my comfy bed and the conditioned, bug-free air of my house!

(I tried to upload some pix, but they're either too big or my internet is too slow or I just don't know how to do it or all of the above - so no pix yet).

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